The Art of Moving the Body with Intention
The several hundred different fighting styles of the traditional Chinese martial arts are often grouped together and referred to as ” Kung Fu” (功夫) in English. However, in its original meaning, Kung Fu refers to great ability in any discipline or skill achieved through hard work and diligent practice.
The traditional Chinese Martial arts program at the Baltimore Academy of Defence features four complementary parts:
2. LOSE WEIGHT: Xingyiquan can aid weight control efforts by reducing the cortisol levels, as well as by burning excess calories and reducing stress.
3. STRESS RELIEF: Xingyiquan reduces the physical effects of stress on the body by encouraging relaxation and lowering the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
4. FLEXIBILITY: Xingyiquan helps to improve flexibility and mobility, increasing range of movement and reducing aches and pains.
5. INCREASED STRENGTH and STAMINA: Xingyiquan uses every muscle in the body, increasing strength and stamina literally from head to toe.
6. PAIN RELIEF: Xingyiquan can ease chronic pain.
7. DISCIPLINE: Martial arts is a proven effective method of building self-esteem, self-discipline, and goal oriented behavior.
8. BETTER BREATHING: Xingyiquan teaches how to take slower, deeper breaths.
9. BETTER BODY ALIGNMENT: Xingyiquan helps to improve body alignment, resulting in better posture, relieving back, neck, joint & muscle problems.
10. FUN: Relaxed classes with a friendly atmosphere keeps you motivated and active.