Illustrated below are the 7 Basic cuts and 5 basic guards used by the sabreur, of note to Americans is that “Hanging Guard” is referred to as “St. George Guard” in many British sword systems.
Henry Angelo’s Naval Cutlass Exercise 1814
Henry Angelo was the son of famed fencing master Domenico Angelo, and believed to be the teacher of Charles Roworth, author of “The Art of Defence on Foot” 1798 upon which Henry Wayne based the sabre section of his “Sword Exercise Arranged for Military Instruction” 1850.
Henry Angelo also famously wrote “Infantry Sword Exercise” 1817 which was the standard manual for british military swordsmanship for over 100 years, and was plagiarized in its entirety by George Minniss in his “A Practical Treatise on Infantry Sword” 1833.